My Story
My mind is a chaotic place to dwell. The dark thoughts that clamor for freedom spill out onto the pages of art. Enter the mind of an author who is diagnosed with Bipolar.
Several people have asked me why I bother to write in the first place. Some say it is a dying art form, while others claim it is simply a waste of time if I want to be rich. Truth be told, I write because that is what I have been called to do.
Mental illness is a topic that still has stigma attached to it, and I wish to aid in the removal of said stigma. My novels, The Unworthy Blood Knight, Rise of the Abyss, Striker X and Striker Y are a prime example of that. Ultimately, creating art is a form of healing for both the reader and the writer. Hopefully, you join me on this journey and allow our minds to intertwine.

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